This Time, Nikki Haley Speaks for Us All

May 19, 2018

If you've ever wondered why the #MeToo movement caught fire so quickly and continues to rage, consider United States Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley's response to a fellow White House cabinet member's suggestion that she might have been confused about the White House's plan to enforce new sanctions on Russia.  Her response: "With all due respect, I don't get confused."

The cheers from women erupted immediately.  Why?  Because we have all had our "Maybe she's just confused" moments.  We all know exactly how she feels (just as we can all relate to #MeToo stories.).  And, unfortunately, too many of us have sucked it up in those moments and let the insult and condescension go unchecked.  

Ambassador Haley has let some air out of our collective frustration, and shown that it's not so hard at all to stand up for oneself.  All it takes is self-respect and a voice.


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