Bring a Lead Like a Woman Event to Your Organization

  • LLW 1: Understanding the Power Game

    It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

  • LLW 2: Mastering the Power Game

    Now that you have learned how the “power game” works, it’s time to get really good at it. Do you still find yourself feeling “out of balance” at work, like you have been slighted or sidelined, and you don’t know why? Are you unsure how to ask for what you want? Does confrontation stymie you?

    This practice-intensive session will sharpen your ability to “hear” and “see” the power game as it is played around you. Learn to speak the language, assert your authority, and get what you want.

  • LLW 3: Unleashing Your Personal Power

    When you learn to play the Power Game, you can’t help but advance your career and uncover a whole new sense of authority. In this session, the third in the Lead Like a Woman series, you’ll learn how to get all the way to your goals. How? By understanding that there is something even more potent than “positional power,” and that is your personal power. You already have all of the power you need. This session will teach you how to use it.